Staying on a singular path until it’s fruition is akin to steering a small boat across as a vast ocean. You will need to constantly correct course and will inevitably end up veering off from your destination from time to time.
There is no shortage of interesting pursuits, shiny objects, “plan B’s” and other ways we procrastinate and give into what Steven Pressfield calls “resistance” in his classic, “The War of Art” — the seminal book on creative procrastination. We seem to put everything in the way of just staying the course!
I don’t have regrets. What was, was… but if I had done the past decade over, I’d just ride out each good idea I’ve had until it at least brought me the fruit of my labor. It wasn’t until I got a mentor and coach, Wyatt Stav, that I had begun to cement the path I was on.
Wyatt first had me write out all the things I wanted to achieve, short and long term, no matter how big or small. From there, he identified where I’m most strong and had me go on a kind of elimination spree. What was to be eliminated was pretty much everything that didn’t pertain to that one singular area and subsequent goal. That goal would be pursued to the exclusion of all others until it had gained enough momentum and automation, at which point I’d be able to diversify my time a bit.
Although I did not remain as focused as he’d want me to be, I did stick with the goal as my primary priority. That goal was building and growing my YouTube channel, as a performer first and foremost, then as a teacher.. I’ve put up over 50 performance videos alone over the past year thanks to my accountability to my coach and staying focused and religious about releasing my content.
There were plenty of times I just made it by the skin of my teeth and was forced to sacrifice sleep, social and family duties, and even work, just to make sure I released my weekly video.
When those who love and depended on me ask how long it would take for my channel to start making me money and bringing me opportunities, I answered and continue to answer, “as long as it takes…”
From time to time, I find myself inspired to and proceed to take on some new or postponed project. I no longer let that derail me though, I know what is important and why I am doing it.
Stay focused.