As an Artist Health Coach, Alex is dedicated to helping all kinds of creative people improve and optimize their health. His mission and his message resonate with the creative community at a time of need. He is impassioned with a burning desire to help you thrive in every area of your life. Alex has helped artists, musicians, authors, composers, and others in the following:
Nutrition • Exercise • Stress Management • Mental Health • Personal & Professional Development
Below, Alex elaborates on how he has come to serve the creative community and people like you!
If you are a creative professional, a painter, actor, musician, or perhaps developer, I’m sure you pour hours of heartfelt creativity and joyous effort into your craft. Unfortunately many of us tend to neglect key areas of our health and fitness. This shortens our careers and creates pain and discomfort in all areas of our life. Our creative output takes a plunge as well. Being healthy is not simply a lack of illness either, it is a feeling of vibrancy and breadth which many of us have all together forgotten and have yet to enjoy!
In our journey to mastery, we suffer from chronic pain throughout our bodies. We neglect our diets, become overweight and lack energy. Some of us start to abuse substances and have other destructive habits. To top it off, many of us also find ourselves a nervous wreck amongst all the stress we are faced with. Are you facing any of these challenges? I’ve dealt with many of the above problems personally and professionally, and in diligently seeking and finding solutions, I’ve come to learn and help many people break the shackles of poor health and cultivate the thriving artist within. In working with clients one on one in person or over video worldwide, I have found these struggles to be universal. Whatever your medium, you are bound by the same human body as all of us. Creativity depends on your energy levels, diet, and overall integration. Unfortunately, in the worthy pursuit of your craft, there grow many weeds that if not checked, will destroy or drastically limit your energy and shorten your career! A small amount of attention paid to prevention will save you thousands of dollars in medical bills, and chronic pain...
With a thirst for knowledge over the past 15 years, I have read countless books to develop personally, and to equip myself with the necessary tools to create real results for people I teach and mentor. In doing so, it has given me insight into understanding the relationships between all aspects of our lives and how they holistically relate. In the interest of understanding the artist holistically, I’ve studied areas such as human development, psychology & behavior modification, nuero-linguistic programming, time management, creativity, neuroscience, philosophy, nutrition, exercise science, spirituality & metaphysics, addiction, memory, sexual health, public speaking and more. There is a pandemic in public health around the world and the creative community represents a large amount of those afflicted. If you, your organization or group suffer from emotional and physical pain, being overweight, poor time management, lack of energy, creative blocks and other health concerns, you are not alone and I may be able to help.
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Areas Covered
Setting and Clarifying Strong Goals With A Plan Of Action
Successful Time Management Techniques & Habit Forming
Regular Accountability Support & Sounding Board For Ideas
Behavioral Change Support and Implementation
Maximizing Creative Potential & Eliminating Creative Blocks
Tailored Direction On Keeping Long Term General Health
Nutritional Guidelines Based On Your Preferences and Goals
Fully Customized Workout & Mobility Routine For Your Craft
Specialized Workout Routines & Diets For Traveling Artists
Due to overwhelming demand, you may be placed on a waiting list.
Coaching is available over Zoom/Skype/Google Hangouts/Facebook Messenger & Facetime.
If you live in the New York City area, consultations may be available in person upon request.
Thoroughly fill out the form below and Alex will get back to you at his earliest convenience.